Five Minute Friday: Graceful

I’m gearing up for an eventful weekend… My big boy’s soccer game, and then a CF Parents’ Night Out event where my hubby and I will leave the boys with grandma and grandpa (and aunt too… It takes a village…) so that we can learn more about this complex disease that my baby boy has.

Therefore, I only have a few minutes today, but I still feel the urge to write, so I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker for a five-minute writing prompt! I love these. It really lets the creative juices just flow. Give it a try if you’d like!

Today’s prompt is: Graceful.


I’ve always thought of grace as being something for dancers. Or models. Women with poise and beauty. Grace and beauty goes hand in hand. And then there is the kind of grace that comes from the inside. The grace that God gives us to be kind and courteous to our neighbors. The graceful love to show their gracefulness to others and be free. Graceful is saying grace and giving thanks for the things we have. Or maybe that’s grateful… But I feel that they go hand in hand. You can’t be grateful and be rude at the same time. To have grace means to shower others with that gift. I want to be graceful, but I would rather have grace with my family and neighbors than to be a swan-like ballerina. That kind of grace is beautiful and a great gift to have, but God gives us HIS grace so that we can well it up inside of ourselves and let it outpour onto others. That’s the kind of grace I like to have. We say grace each night at dinner, and though I still stumble over my words, the grace is there in my heart. And for that, I am grateful. Give grace and glory to God, and he will give it right back to you. You deserve it.


Happy Friday, everyone! Enjoy the weekend with your loved ones and God bless. 🙂